Personal Plan for Growth - Growth Mindset Tool
The Growth Mindset Tool will help you develop your plan for personal growth. With guidance from Alex Havard’s book “ Coached by Joan: Lessons in Virtuous Leadership”, discover your mission and build your plan for personal growth.

Ten Virtuous Leadership Principles
Enjoy the Virtuous Leadership Principles digital asset to have at the ready on your phone or tablet or print out the poster-sized print to share with others in your home or office.

Self-Coaching Worksheet
The Virtuous Leadership Self-Coaching worksheet is designed to get you started with a few easy steps to better understand your temperament and the temperament of others in action throughout the day.

Practicing Magnanimity 30 Day Plan
Magnanimity is an essential virtue for effective leadership. As defined by Alex Havard, a magnanimous leader looks beyond selfish interests and works to serve others and society as a whole. Developing this virtue requires overcoming ego and embracing sacrifice and service.